― John 1:5
A note of appreciation:
We wanted to take a minute to express our gratitude to you and make it clear that we have no intention of adding to the fear mentality that seems to be the dominant narrative as we move forward through this “new reality.” The spring shows we had scheduled have either been canceled or postponed, and we have no idea what the rest of the year will look like. Your guess is as good as ours. All we know is that we’re doing the best we can with the information we’ve been given.
We’re deep in it, no doubt.
We want you, our loyal customer to know the limited quantity items we’ve added is NOT to make you pull the trigger too quickly for fear of missing out. The reality is- that is what we have available (with padding for any errors, etc.) There’s plenty of anxiety happening (we’re keenly aware) but we are NOT here to add to it; just the opposite, in fact.
When you purchase a candle in our store, we want you to feel confident in your decision. And yes, we recognize and understand that making a candle buying decision is certainly not life or death… but TRUST is most certainly the lifeblood of any business. The giveaways; the discounts; the freebies; well…that’s as much for us, as it is for you. It’s a way for us to give back, to say thank you for trusting us, for hanging around, for supporting us, etc.; a way for us to serve. It’s in the giving that we receive; a fundamental principle that we understand. We hope that you can feel the love we’re sending/giving out, returning to you, multiplied. If we can build on each other’s momentum (and we can), the whole world benefits, it’s like a wave that we WANT to get caught in.
There are many good things happening in the world, right now, all around us; we only have to pay attention to see them. Here in our house, we’ve decided to keep our focus and attention on what is possible. And what is possible is endless. We know this because we’ve been told it’s so:
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Mathew 19:26
What does that leave out? Nothing. NO-thing. The decisions that we’re making (to look forward, to not dwell, to practice gratitude, etc.) are all based on FAITH. Faith is not pollyanna and it’s more than positive thinking. It’s a belief, a knowing, a promise given- Proverbs 25:29, “The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.” Your faith, religion, upbringing; it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you trust that many good things will be born out of this.
Without this becoming a sermon (not the intention!) we wanted you to know…
We will continue doing giveaways and limited edition items and hope that you will continue to come back, and share the love. We also hope that we will be seeing you sooner than we think- at a market near you!
We will all find our rhythm again. We believe that. We hope you do too!
Peace. Always, peace.
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