-Jafree Ozwald
The world is a beautiful mirror that is always reflecting yourself back to you. What you see happening in your outer world is a representation (on a deeper level) of what is going on somewhere in your inner world.
So what is your reflection revealing to you? When you dig in and start to ask the more profound questions, you may be surprised at what comes up. Being open to the “possibility” and getting curious has always seemed to help me.
What if this is all happening for us? Ask yourself: Is it possible? (of course, it is.) Is it true? (Is it?)
My whole life, or so it seems, I’ve been searching for “truth.” My journals are full of the thoughts/ideas/take-aways/quotes/sage advice, and knowledge from the people I’ve come to trust: the books, the classes, the courses. So I asked myself the other day, “what’s it all been for?” And the answer I landed on, in the end, was “for moments such as these.” This is what it’s “all” been for. Enlightenment (to give up on old ways of thinking; to have full comprehension of a situation, the state of understanding.) A preparation of sorts.
To be able to go within when things seem difficult, to trust my gut; my intuition, and to know. To have separation from what “appears” to be the reality and find answers. To take this time, we’ve all (mostly) been granted and get to the heart of it. I’ve been doing this work for a long time, and now I know why. To get me through. To allow me to calm myself in the face of the fear-filled and false-feeling moments. To go within and be able to nourish my body, feed my mind, and light-up my heart!
Today, my heart is over-flowing. I’m still doing the work (now more than ever); I’m writing it out; I’m listening to my intuition and trusting. I’m giving more: More time, more compassion, more forgiveness (we all need that), and more love. I’m reaching out more; I’m appreciating more (gratitude). I’m enjoying the down-time more and doing the things I’ve put off for far too long. To do any less would be a waste of time. And time, as we all know, is precious. I’m doing this for myself and for others. The right people are showing up (coincidence? I don’t think so.) I’m looking for new ways to be creative and a better person in general. It’s working, and I feel good because of it.
I can’t control what’s going on outside, but inside- my home and my heart? Yes. I can control what’s going on in there! Meditating, writing, walking, or creating something beautiful, it’s all helping… a LOT! I’m having FUN; I’m laughing, dancing, singing, and it all matters. Do you know that when even one person is raising their energy, it echoes around the world? Imagine the impact we could all have on the state of affairs if we were doing the things that lit us up. Stepping out on faith and kicking fear right in the face. The potential we have, the power we all hold for a BIG shift into a better feeling place… AHHMAZING!!!
What’s coming up for you? What are you realizing that you can live without? What have you wanted to do for so long that you’re now doing it or making a plan to do it? What are you changing because this situation has forced you to focus? Are you more present? More compassionate? More loving? Are you enjoying the extra family time you’ve been given? Haven’t we all been asking for more time? How are you spending it?
And, in the end, I don’t want to debate. I don’t want to point fingers. I don’t want to accuse or at anytime call names. What I’m asking for (of myself and others) will take far more thought and courage than that. I’m asking, hoping that we can all begin to see one another with more compassion, more love, more understanding. I’m inviting us all to use our critical thinking skills and our ability to discern the truth. And in the process, remember that we are all human beings. Can we stop de-humanizing anyone with a different opinion other than our own? Can we begin to treat others the way we want to be treated? You remember the golden rule (I know you do). And… imagine, if only for a moment walking a mile in their shoes.
Is it possible? (you know it is.) Is it true? (Is it?) Allow the answers to come instinctively. No forcing. And then keep asking. Keep digging. The truth, your truth, will set you free.
Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night.
-Sarah Williams
In researching the quote I used at the top of this post I found this video. Beautiful.
Peace. xo
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