At age 48, I am so grateful for all that I am and all that I have been. I am thankful for all that I have learned (and still learning) along the way. For the wisdom, strength, and courage that God has given me to do what I do and to.
Just. Be. Who. I. Am. I am imperfect, and I’m enough (and so are you!)
I love being the age that I am and even wrap my arms around it! I have come into my own, and I celebrate that. I love art and to create. I love being an entrepreneur. I love having/running/working business with my sweetie, and all of the travel that it requires; I also love staying at home and “nesting.” I love our home and all that we have made it in the 16 years that we’ve lived here. I want to make even more improvements (I mean, have ya seen my Pinterest boards!) I love spending time with our grandkids, and I love when it’s time to take them home. I love photography. I love black and white photos, and I also love color, especially when I can make them look old. I love digital photography, and I love old photos where I can imagine living in that time (it seems I’ve always loved “older” things.)
I love knowing that God has a purpose for each of us, and knowing that HE has given each of us a gift…it’s up to us to discover WHAT that gift is. I love nature. I love living as close to the earth as possible. I want to enjoy to garden, but just don’t, so I’ve also learned to let go. I love visiting the farmers’ markets. I love bread and know that I should limit, but not eliminate my indulgences. I love ice cream and cheese, too, and the same rule applies.
At my age, I am always seeking the truth. I love to exercise, but not when it feels forced. I love to walk, ride a bike, hike in the woods, hola hoop, and to swing a kettlebell, and not in a gym. I love the friends that Joe and I meet along our travels within our community (customers and fellow business owners). I love the women that celebrate growing older-not aging- like Oprah, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Brene Brown, Danielle Laporte, Geneen Roth, and Elizabeth Gilbert (and many more). I KNOW that life is what we make it. We create our own experience at every age.
I have learned through the years that there is no lack, only abundance; there is MORE than enough to go around. I have learned that sitting still in mediation does not come easily to me; I seem to naturally have more of a “moving” meditation practice (like walking), and it’s perfectly fine. I have learned that our words are powerful (Every word you speak is a prayer. -Iyanla Vanzant) and kindness matters. I have learned that love is what we all desire. I have no room for fear-based anything in my life. Fear goes against all that I believe to be true. I believe that God is love, and no one can have too much of it. Give more, and you will receive more. My gratitude journal has changed me. Spend as much time with your family and friends as you can; life IS short.
I have learned to take the time to do the things that are important to ME. If I leave out even one element, I get completely out of whack and grouchy! I do not believe in balance; I believe in doing what feels right when you feel the nudge (whisper of God) to do it; do not wait until tomorrow. I have learned at 48 that not everyone agrees with me, and I am so glad! The world would be a boring place if we all believed and agreed on/in the same things. I have learned that other people’s opinion of me is none of my business. I have learned that as long as I love my neighbor as my friend, I feel GOOD! (I send them love).
I love facebook, and I loathe Facebook. I have learned that a smile can change someone’s day (including mine!), and so can a hug. I have learned that we all grieve differently. I have learned that I LOVE vitamin D from the sunshine. I LOVE learning more and more about nutrition and including it in my daily life. I also like to indulge in simple pleasures that are not considered “healthy.” I have learned to let go of the idea of being perfect (how boring!), and I have learned to communicate and not assume. I have learned that friendships come and friendships go; there are seasons. I have learned that I have many sisters, and none of them are of my lineage, but they are all my tribe.
I love coffee, I love tea, and I do not plan on getting rid of either, for any reason, at any age. I love Starbucks and do not apologize for it (even to Joe!). I LOVE online shopping. I LOVE supporting small businesses and will purchase more from them. I LOVE Pinterest and learning how to make homemade goodies and supplies. Over the years, I accumulated way too much stuff and need to purge all of those things that I have outgrown, in spirit, style, size, or need. I love candles (obviously!) I know that Art Journaling has been calling to me for a long time; thankful I finally listened!
Country music, classical, rock, and roll, they all appeal to me. Piano YES! Organ no. I love Christmas music any time of the year (yep!). I love old Christmas classics in the form of movies, music, card. You name it. I like Netflix in the winter (and since I’m being honest…I love Netflix ALL year long!!) I love anything that makes me LAUGH! I love cleaning house, and I love getting it done, sitting down, and enjoying it.
I have learned that ideas are like slippery fish; they are gone in an instant; write them down right away! I LOVE the month of January. For me, it represents ALL things new. I also love the month of September (September is the new January), and it means fall is soon to arrive. I have learned to use the “F” words with gusto! Some of my FAVORITES include…fantastic…fabulous…fun…feminine…fall and yes…that ONE too!Sometimes it’s …necessary…needed…and appropriate. Expressive. (and no apology)
I love being alone, and I love being together. I love being married. I love that he respects my opinion and me, and he trusts my judgment. I love that he is not afraid to tell me the truth, even if it will sting. (If only everyone could find a love like that.)
And that is only part of the reason I love being the age that I am. I know it will only get better!
What are you grateful for and or love at your age?
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