Your purpose is to love, give, and live your gifts and talents to the best of your ability. You discover what your natural skills are by living your life FULLY and giving it everything you’ve got. Not by stepping back and living in your shadow. The world needs what you have; let us have it!
This passage jumped out at me the other day as I was reading through one of my old journals- I do that occasionally.
Just a few years ago, my life looked very different than it does today. I was working a full-time job, going to nutrition school, and working in our business. I was determined to finish school and make my way in this world as a coach, supporting other women on their journey. I thought, “This is what I want to do…for sure! This is it!”
Fast forward to today…I no longer work that full-time job, I finished school years ago, did some coaching for a bit, and now work full-time in our business while pursuing my “hobby” of photography.
So what happened?
Re-routing, re-visiting, and re-newing happens to all of us at some point, I believe. I think it’s how we grow. But I let the opinions of others and their apprehensions of the unknown inform me instead of allowing my Intuition to guide me. In doing that, the fear crept in.
The excitement that I first felt turned into anxiety and nervousness. Of course, when I think back, it was those nervous/anxious feelings that made it so exciting in the first place! I didn’t look at it as fear in the beginning. It was exciting! It energized me, and I miss that.
Giving up on our dreams is not always easy, but it is sometimes necessary to birth something new. We are all born to dream. Without goals, we die. I learned that years ago, and it has always mostly stuck with me. We need something to look forward to, something to get us out of bed every day. Looking back now, I realize that I had stopped dreaming altogether. I was just living day in and day out.
All you need are three things to be happy:
Someone to love,
Something to do and
Something to look forward to.
(from a sign I saw at “Haven” in Plymouth, Michigan-as I remember it.)
And Then…
…a couple of weeks ago, I downloaded Marie Forleo’s new book, “Everything is Figuroutable.” WOW! That about sums it up. It has lit a fire under me! Rekindled the flames that have needed oxygen for a long time now. Years. Not that I want to be coaching anymore- I don’t. (Though I would still love to have a tribe of strong women to stand beside, with, and behind – FOR SURE!) But there are other things I’m interested in doing, or at the very least, exploring the idea and the possibility of something more.
This book has reminded me that we are all supposed to be sharing our gifts and talents with the world. And by “the world,” I mean sharing with whomever it is that we feel compelled to share with, not necessarily, (but maybe) the WHOLE world. Following our hearts. Not our heads. This book has been an excellent refresher of what I already knew…and forgot.
Right now, besides candles and sourdough bread, my other obsession is photography. I love making photos and have thought many times about doing more with this passion that’s been calling to me. So what stopped me from following that pull, the nudge I’ve been feeling, and making it a priority? ME! I got in my own way, yet again. I stopped listening to my heart. My head will always talk me into doing nothing… but only if I allow it.
Now that I’ve recognized that and am paying attention, I’ve made some commitments to myself to pursue this further. DREAMING! (again.) I don’t have to know “the how.” That’s how we stay stuck. All I need to do is show up for myself and take action every day (one step at a time) towards my goal, daily, and the way, the how will present itself naturally. For example, I’ve recently been taking photography classes from Kim Klassen. That’s action.
I haven’t figured it all out yet, (start before you’re ready), but I do know that everything is figuroutable! Confidence comes from doing. I’m going to “get to doing.”
Will you, too?
What do you love?
What’s calling you?
Are you listening to the whispers?
I love asking questions because the inquiry is where all the magic begins to happen. Get curious. Not to mention, all the classes and coaching I’ve taken/had/done through the years have given me a good set of questions to ask. No need to keep them all to myself when others (that’s you!) can benefit as well. Will you stick with me on this and start dreaming, yourself?
At the end of your life, what will you regret not doing? I hope NOTHING. Dr. Dyer always spoke of “not dying with your music still in you.” That’s a powerful and sobering thought.
We all have so much to learn from each other and our unique perspectives. So, if you’d like, post your comments and feedback below and tell me…are you dreaming? Are you living your purpose? If the answer is yes… HIGH-FIVE to you– I want to hear about it!!! If not, what’s stopping you?
Some other books that I’ve found helpful to get my creative juices flowing:
- Anything by Brene’ Brown
- Creative Calling by Chase Jarvis
- The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
xo and always, peace.
p.s. the sign on the bait store door reads: “No talking on cell phones.” I LOVE that! Be present. Always be present.
All of these photos were taken in northern Wisconsin, Up North, a very special place, and can be clicked on for a larger view.
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