I was over-the-moon excited about this capture (mine & the eagle’s!!!) Did you know that eagles would eat other birds? We had no idea!
There I was trying to get a good shot of the eagle just sitting in a tree when out of nowhere another eagle appeared flying overhead. It looked as if he was carrying something that I assumed was a fish. I thought it looked like a bird, but my logical mind was saying it had to be a fish. So I turned my camera skyward and did my best to focus. It was so sunny out though I couldn’t tell if I was getting the shots or not… I was hoping!
While I was snapping frame after frame Joe was utterly oblivious to what was going on right above us, he was looking at the Blue Heron that had landed near him, interested in his fish. In fact, he was trying to get my attention so I could get a shot of the heron- (Marie! Marie! MAAAARRRIIIEEE!!! You’re missing this!! HA!) but I stayed steady, and fixed on the eagle above (now that was a big deal!) much to Joe’s annoyance.
But this was the part that was really cool! As if witnessing the eagle with his booty wasn’t enough …. he DROPPED it (clearly on accident!) and then recaptured it!!! WHAT??? YES!! And I got every shot!
He ended up landing in a tree not far from the other eagle I was initially trying to photograph and proceeded to tear it apart- I mean feathers were flying- and enjoy his catch, as the other eagle (his mate, I’m assuming) watched from a distance. We had no idea an eagle would eat a seagull, but we do now!
It wasn’t until I got back to the house and loaded the pictures onto the computer that I knew for sure what I had witnessed! (it was too sunny outside to see on the little preview screen.) WOW! Exciting!!! (did I mention I was excited?!?!?!) It was just as my friend Ettie expressed, “Both amazing and brutal.”
Enjoy! These are my favorites.
p.s. Joe could not believe he missed this!!! (but…I guess that’s why he has me!) ALL SMILES! 🙂
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