If you have an impulse to do something, and it’s not totally irresponsible, why not do it? It might just be the journey you’ve always needed.
-Timothy Hutton
OH…that Timothy Hutton quote speaks to my heart! I know I can wear Joe out with my need for change. I require it. I tire easily of the same old thing while Joe is happy just the way it is. I believe change is good…necessary. Plus it lets me explore my creativity and keeps everything fresh.
If you were a fly on our wall, you would probably see him [Joe] shaking his head incessantly and letting out yet another. deep. sigh. I can’t imagine what he says under his breath (well…that’s not true, actually.) 😉 He’s very simple and I’m…………..just. NOT. I used to wait for him to go fishing before I would even think of moving a thing- who doesn’t like a good surprise when they come home??? Right? But now that the kids are all gone, he’s more up close and personal, with the furniture moving situation, anyway. 🙂
When I start looking back through pictures I’ve taken around the house, for example, I get the immediate urge to shake things up. Energy shifts and possibilities. That’s my jam! However, it is happening a lot less frequently (furniture moves, anyway). And I always have the candles to fall back on when I really need a shift, but may not wanna do any heavy lifting. Minor changes can be just as good!
With that said, this is our new label! We’ll still have the “old” ones for a short time, too, as we work through the ones we already have pre-printed. We both think this one is so much more fun and it matches our shirts.
Come on…it matches our shirts!!!
And, FYI… Joe loves the new label! Win, win. (happy dance…)
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