It’s that time of year again. The time we carve out of our calendar, annually to stop. reflect. align. relax. be intentional. retreat. refocus. fish. make memories. plan. The time to do what we love to do. The big rocks.

But this yearly break has not been an easy transition for me. I’ve always had the mindset of work hard(er), keep going. Fill the calendar. No time to take time. Got a minute? fill. it. up. Hustle! And it’s not because I don’t know how to relax or slow down because I do. It’s the idea, the thought of, “do I deserve this? Am I worthy?”
And the answer is (and always has been), YES!
There’s no need to justify. PERIOD. Do you know why? Because WE are the ones that have made the choices to do what we do in this lifetime. No one’s holding a gun to our heads to push, push, push. Work harder, longer, get more, be more, do more. That’s our monkey mind trying to convince us (and doing a great job) that in order to be socially accepted, we MUST do what everyone else is doing.
And it’s all lies.
I am so grateful that I am in the process have answered this call and have decided to purposefully lean into this period of rest and renewal, with my whole heart.
No apology.
(well…I am still a work in process…)
And although we don’t all work from home or have the luxury to take time away from our daily jobs, we do all have the choice to decide what’s important enough to fill our bucket. The choice to go to another event. take another class. do more work. fill every moment. every pause with something more.
Is that what you crave?
Or is it more moments, more time to just be, to breathe, to look at the world around you? Some-time-by-yourself to listen to the silence, if only for a few minutes?
We have to let go of other people’s opinions and follow the flow of our hearts.
Pausing. Breathing. Noticing.

I would not trade one minute of that hustl(ed) life for the calm, the peace that I love having/feeling/creating intentionally in my own life now. Are there times when I have to hustle? Of course. And when I need to, I do. But I also know that everything has a season.
And I’m paying attention…
are you?

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