I’m pretty sure I was born in the wrong century. I’ve thought about this many times. I love the thought of being a farmer (of sorts). You know, growing a garden, a few chickens, a goat or two- on a small scale (obviously) but still able to be able to sustain ourselves. Making and baking, gathering eggs, making cheese, soap and just being as close to the earth as possible. (If that’s your life, kudos!) And then I remember I’m lucky to have house plants that survive! And if I’m honest… Joe’s the gardener here, but I do cheer him on!
I’ve recently begun making sourdough bread again, but this time with success! And he’s reminded me, more than once, that I’ve been taking better care of my mother (the wild yeast) than I ever did the dogs. Not true! But funny none-the-less. I have been a bit obsessive. I’ve lost count of how many loaves I’ve baked, but I’ve loved every minute of it!
It’s not just the bread and waiting for the dough to rise, though. It’s everything right now. Everything HOME that is. Plants, candles, pillows, food, (granola, brownies, almond milk, flour- mmm hmmmm..I’ve been grinding my own!) and flower! Oh, the flowers! The fresh coat of paint, the soft wood I just sanded, the feel of the dough in my hands. All of it.
And all of it made/planted/created/repurposed from scratch by us, for us- and some to share, of course. And equally important are the tools: my bowls, baskets, spoons, jars – I have quite the collection ya know- the sander, the drill, and on and on it goes. I love using the things I/we have. Home is definitely where the heart is this year.
There is nothing quite as satisfying than seeing something that began in my mind as an inspired thought or idea brought to fruition. By my hands, Joe’s hands. Our sweat, our vision. I’m a creative at heart and have been all of my life. It’s just that now I’m all in! And Joe has been forced decided to join me- he always has such great ideas! 🙂
And so this spring has been one of creation. Soulful and meditative at times. Exhausting and hard at others. Beautiful things, fantastic food, and calming spaces. We’ve worked hard and rested well, and for all of it, we are grateful.
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