Oh my gosh…I LOVE living in the country! I love listening to the crickets, the tractors, the silence. It is all wonderful, to me! I am sitting here at my desk with my window open (due to this amazing and delightful weather we are having here in Indiana) and all I can think and feel is B-L-E-S-S-E-D. So often I get caught up in the day to day non-sense that has no business in my head (usually thinking of all the things that I either didn’t get done OR need to do) instead of living in the present. (hint: that’s WHY it’s called the present!) I make a conscious choice everyday to say thank you to God for all of the little things in my life. Grateful for every bit of it. ♥
And here we go… excited that the summer weather has been so dang fabulous! 🙂 With the mild temps in June/July, can you imagine what fall will be like? And it’s right around the corner! The kids here are already preparing to go back to school. Not that I’m wishing summer away, I’m not…but FALL does happen to be my favorite time of the year and here at Beckley’s, it’s when we are the busiest. We have several fund-raisers already underway, so if you have been considering or are interested in scheduling one this fall, be sure to contact us right away so we can get you on the calendar!
Milford Memories (MI) is right around the corner plus we have added a few new MI (and IL) shows to our schedule this fall (more on that later.) Joe has been working hard on some new scents and as always, fresh stock. And yes…(this will make many of you VERY HAPPY)…Birthday Cake is back (you’ve been asking for awhile!) and Joe has finally given in. So yes…persistence pays!
As you already know, we have added the simmering scent tarts to our line as well. We have gotten rave reviews about them, but like our candles, it’s just not possible to carry every scent to a show. But… we do offer ALL of our scents in our on-line store.
So what we’d really like to know is what YOU would like to see show up on our shelves at a show near you. Let’s keep the conversation going over on our facebook page. Leave your comments telling us what you want to see on our shelves.
Have a fantastic weekend and mark your calendars for Milford! (We will be located in the same space we have always occupied…directly across from the park.)
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