May 28, 2022
Celebrating still, as if he were here.
It would have been now 28 years
What a ride this life has been
He with his poles, me with my lens
The mountains, the sea, the lakes in the north
The pines, the plains, the roads with the fork
Never a plan, or so to speak
Just get in, and we will see
The tent, the wood, the cooler the chairs
The rain gear, the privy, the brush for my hair
Take it all, you never know
What may be needed for life on the road
We can always make money, he would say
But time is precious, let’s live for today
The mountains are calling, I hear their song
Marie, come back- it’s been too long
He’s not here but his essence still lingers
His passion, his drive, his spirit-remember?
So many memories, pictures, and scenes
They were all real-it wasn’t a dream.
The joy you felt can always be found
No need to wake up, he’s not coming back
Still, you are here-remember that
It’s an inside job, this happy you seek
He’s in your heart, may that bring you peace
No one knows how the story will go
Your job now is presence and flow
Live today as he always said
Get in your heart and out of your head
Listen… SHHHHH…be silent, be still
Nature is wise-the the forest, the hills
Go there often let that be your guide
The earth forever it will abide
A promise from God to us reassures
No more tears and no more hurt
The suffering, the pain will cease to exist
Just stay in your lane-on this I insist
The how remember is not yours to know
Set your intention and watch it unfold
That’s the beauty of life you will find
Intuition-a sense we’ve lost over time
Now that your life is upside down
It’s up to you to turn it around
You’ve always known you were being prepared
For a moment like this, no need to be scared
You are ready though your eyes may not see
Stay wild, be kind, be love, and be free